Beaconia Well

Update on Beaconia Well – RM of St. Clements

March 3, 2025

February 27, 2025

The RM of St. Clements continues to address the issues surrounding the Beaconia Well, following recent regulatory updates and the issuance of a well sealing order. We want to ensure that our residents are fully informed about the status of this vital water system and the steps we are taking to comply with provincial regulations.

Current Status

The Beaconia Well, which has been used by local residents as a semi-public water source, is not in compliance with the Groundwater and Water Well Act due to its uncontrolled flow. This non-compliance was first identified in 2022 (link to letter), and the situation has since escalated, leading to the issuance of a formal well sealing order from the province.

The well sealing order, issued by the Government of Manitoba on February 18, 2025, requires the RM of St. Clements to decommission the Beaconia Well by September 2, 2025. The well’s uncontrolled flow and deteriorating infrastructure pose significant regulatory concerns, and the RM is actively working to meet these requirements.

Actions Taken

In response to the order, the RM of St. Clements has explored several options, including upgrading the well, decommissioning it, or reclassifying it as a non-potable water system to avoid the requirement of implementing disinfection. After reviewing these options and considering community feedback, the RM has formally requested approval from the Office of Drinking Water to reclassify the well as a non-potable water source.

This request, submitted on February 26, 2025, highlights the fact that the Beaconia Well does not supply water to any institutions requiring disinfection under The Drinking Water Safety Regulation and proposes the conversion of the well to a non-potable system. Under this reclassification, the RM would implement measures such as flow control, site signage, annual notices to residents, and quarterly water testing.

You can view the full letter to the Well Drilling Liaison Officer requesting reclassification and the response letter from the Government of Manitoba by following the links below:

Next Steps

The RM is awaiting a response from the Office of Drinking Water regarding the reclassification request. In the meantime, we are continuing to explore all options for addressing the well’s compliance issues and will keep residents updated as the situation progresses.

We encourage all residents to visit this page regularly for the latest updates and to refer to the Beaconia Well Information Page for full details on the well’s history, current situation, and ongoing efforts.

Provincial Contact Information

Enviromental and Climate Change Water Science and Watershed Management Branch

Director, Office of Drinking Water
Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks
Box 18, 14 Fultz Blvd., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3Y OL4

Public Engagement

As part of our commitment to transparency, we will continue to gather feedback from residents. We value your input and encourage you to share your thoughts as we work through the next steps.

Thank you for your continued engagement and support as we navigate this process.

As part of our commitment to enhancing communication with residents by embracing innovative, information delivery methods. Below are AI generated videos of the information provided on this website.

September 2023

February 2022

The Office of Drinking Water (ODW) visited the Beaconia Pail Fill to conduct their annual compliance inspection on September 9, 2020. The ODW noted and instructed that the free flowing artesian well as it is operating, does not comply with Provincial Legislation and is in contravention of the Groundwater and
Water Well Act. Since then, we have been directed by regulators that some changes must be made, including a flow control device and disinfection process to ensure the safety of the water for human
consumption. At this time, no decision has been made by Council. Council is currently exploring all options while keeping in mind the safety of our residents, cost and most importantly following Provincial Legislation including the Groundwater and Water Well Act and the Drinking Water Safety Act.

You can view these mentioned Provincial Acts below:

Council is in agreeance that maintaining the public’s access to water free of charge at this specific location is preferred. However the requirements to achieve compliance come with significant capital investment and ongoing operational expenses. For these reasons we are gathering public usage information to better inform the decision making process.


Council has been in discussion on how to proceed with the well and at this time no decision has been made, however we have been communicating with the public and asking for feedback. We have gathered our citizen’s responses from a survey to assist us in working towards a solution.

The survey closed on June 24, 2022.

Survey Reults

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