The Manitoba government deeply appreciates the partnership of the business community to help keep Manitobans protected from COVID-19 and to reopen our Province safely. None of this has been easy for anyone and the MB government and RM of St. Clements want to thank our community for continuously adapting to these changing times and ensuring public health measures are followed on business premises.
A more comprehensive toolkit of other business communication resources will be on it’s way soon. The toolkit will include more poster templates, decal designs, website graphics, and social media content you can use on your channels.
This is being done in hopes to help support businesses as they educate and inform customers and staff, and other visitors to their businesses about wearing masks, social distancing, and where applicable, providing proof of vaccination.
Recently, some Manitoba businesses have reported being targeted in what may be a coordinated telephone campaign, and some unwanted visits have also been made to some businesses.
No business owner or operator should have to deal with aggressive calls and inappropriate behaviors by individuals who refuse to abide by public health orders.
The Manitoba government will consistently remind all individuals of their civic duty to not only follow public health orders, but to respect the businesses that are following public health order to protect Manitobans.
If you encounter any harassing or unwanted calls or behaviours from visitors to your business, please:
- Immediately report any threat to law enforcement. Take note of the time and day of occurrences, and document details for the police report.
- If a visitor to your business is on your business’s property and refuses to comply with public health orders. Follow your businesses regular protocols for addressing difficult clientele / situations in your establishment (e.g., refusal of service due to intoxication, etc).
- Should the situation escalate, please contact your local law enforcement agency.
If a protest is being held at or near your business:
- If it is safe to do so, inform organizers that you do not wish to have your business associated with the protest and/or that you do approve access your private property.
A series of posters to help communicate both mask and proof of vaccine requirements has been developed and can be accessed here.
Guidance regarding proof of immunization from other jurisdictions can be found here.