New Feature for St. Clements Connect

If you haven’t signed up for our St. Clements Connect program this new feature may prompt you to! This latest feature will automatically broadcast Alert Ready emergency messages set to Broadcast Immediate to all our resident phone numbers that have signed up without any administration involvement. It ultimately is the quickest way to notify residents and protect them from imminent potential threats.

Currently, if an alert is issued day or night, staff have to be involved to send the message to residents. The Send to All Automation will eliminate the need for staff to be involved for Broadcast Immediate alerts and will be sent out to residents automatically. 
This first of its kind technology ensures:
·     Canadians without cell phones (Elderly, disabled and infirm) can receive “automated” emergency alert messages.
·     Rural, northern and remote communities with limited or no cellular coverage can now have alert messages broadcast to their residents on their landline phones.
·     All emergency alerts are now automated with no need for local action to disseminate an emergency alert.
·     Alerts issued at night will now go out to affected residents by making both cell and landline phones ring.
What Type of Alerts Would Be Automated? (Note: Not every alert issued is a Broadcast Immediate alert)
 Broadcast Immediate Alerts issued by Alert Ready may include:
·     Severe Weather Warnings – Tornado, Flash Flood, Air Quality, Earthquake and Hurricane. 
·     Threat of Fire – Forest, Urban or Industrial 
·     Amber Alerts – Child Safety, Missing Person, Abduction 
·     Terrorist / Civil Threats – Evacuation, Lock-down, first-person shootings, hostage threats 
·     Hazardous Threat – Chemical Spill, explosives 
·     Alert Ready – Test Messages (once a year, these currently take place on televisions and radios)
We will be activating this feature on Friday, September 4th, 2020.

Click here to sign up.