Plan 20-50 FAQ

RM of St. Clements Plan20-50

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Plan20-50? Why should I care?

Answer: Plan20-50 is a long-term regional growth strategy for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, aiming to help communities work together to grow in a way that benefits everyone. It’s about making sure our communities stay strong, vibrant, and ready for the future. It’s important because it helps us plan better for things like jobs, housing, and services, making sure we all have what we need.

2. Does Plan20-50 tell me what I can do with my property?

Answer: No, it doesn’t. Your local council still decides what happens in your community. Plan20-50 is more about big-picture planning to help our communities grow in a smart way, but it doesn’t change what you can do with your own land.

3. Is Plan20-50 trying to create “15-minute cities”?

Answer: No, the plan isn’t about forcing anyone to live in a “15-minute city.” It simply encourages communities to think about having essential services, like stores or schools, closer to home if people want that option. It’s about convenience, not control.

4. Will Plan20-50 stop me from driving my car or make me take public transit?

Answer: No, you’ll still be able to drive your car wherever and whenever you want. The plan supports having more public transit options, but no one is being forced to use them. It’s just about giving people choices.

5. Does Plan20-50 ban private wells or restrict water use?

Answer: No, Plan20-50 does not ban private wells or restrict how you use water. It focuses on protecting our water supply by sealing old, unused wells to prevent contamination, but it doesn’t affect your current well.

6. Will Plan20-50 force more housing into rural areas?

Answer: Plan20-50 doesn’t force anything. It helps communities plan for future growth, including housing, but any decisions about where to build more homes are made by your local council.

7. Who made Plan20-50?

Answer: In 2019 the Province of Manitoba tasked the WMR Board create a regional plan. WMR has been mandated by the Province of Manitoba to enhance economic and social development across the region by improving and coordination sustainable land use and development and must provide the Minister of Municipal and Northern Relations with a regional plan by January 2025 for review.  Plan20-50 was developed by the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, which includes mayors, reeves, and some provincial representatives. Over 500 people and 100 organizations contributed their ideas to the plan, so it’s based on a lot of community input.

8. Does Plan20-50 create a new layer of government?

Answer: No, Plan20-50 doesn’t create a new government or take power away from local councils. It’s just a way for communities to work together on shared challenges and opportunities, while still making their own decisions locally.

9. How will Plan20-50 affect my rural community?

Answer: Plan20-50 helps rural communities like ours plan for the future, making sure we’re prepared for things like new housing or businesses. It’s about making our community stronger without changing its rural character.

Specific Concerns Raised:

1. Media Coverage:

  • Response: Plan20-50 has been discussed in many forums over several years. While it might not have been on every news outlet, it has been developed with input from hundreds of people and organizations. We encourage everyone to review the plan and participate in the discussions.

2. Public Debate:

  • Response: There have been multiple opportunities for public input over the last six years. Plan20-50 is based on feedback from many community members and stakeholders, ensuring that a wide range of voices were heard. The Plan is at the public hearing stage now. All residents are able to provide their comments and concerns directly through submissions or presentations during the public hearing.

3. Body Oversight:

  • Response: The Winnipeg Metropolitan Region (WMR) is not an unelected body controlling local decisions. Local councils retain their authority. The WMR simply helps coordinate efforts across municipalities to make sure we’re all working together efficiently. The Planning act lays out the members of the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. These are elected leaders representing their municipality.

4. Street Closures and Well Restrictions:

  • Response: Plan20-50 does not mandate street closures or well restrictions. It focuses on planning for the future, ensuring that we have safe and reliable infrastructure, including roads and water supply.

5. Conflict of Interest Allegations:

  • Response: The plan was developed with input from a diverse group of people, including those from the building industry, but it is by no means driven by any one interest group. The goal is to benefit the entire region.

6. Need for More Public Awareness:

  • Response: The planning process has been ongoing for years, with many opportunities for public input. However, we understand the need for continued communication and are committed to providing more information and answering questions.

Impact of Plan20-50 on the RM of St. Clements:

1. How will Plan20-50 help the RM of St. Clements grow?

Answer: Plan20-50 helps us plan for future growth by making sure new homes, businesses, and services are added in a way that fits our community. It ensures our roads and water systems can handle more people, keeping St. Clements a great place to live.

2. Will Plan20-50 keep the rural feel of St. Clements?

Answer: Yes, the plan is designed to protect the rural nature of St. Clements. It supports growth that respects our community’s character, making sure new developments don’t change what we love about living here.

3. How does Plan20-50 help our local economy?

Answer: Plan20-50 helps bring new businesses and jobs to St. Clements by making sure we have strong infrastructure and a clear plan for the future. This makes our community more attractive to businesses, supporting local growth and creating more opportunities for everyone.

4. Will Plan20-50 change what I can do with my land?

Answer: No, your land use rights won’t change because of Plan20-50. The RM of St. Clements Council still decides what happens with land in our community. The plan just helps guide decisions to benefit our future.

5. What infrastructure improvements can we expect from Plan20-50?

Answer: The plan encourages better coordination to improve roads, water systems, and public services in our area. This means better infrastructure to support our community as it grows, making life easier and more comfortable for residents.

6. How does Plan20-50 protect the environment in St. Clements?

Answer: Plan20-50 focuses on protecting our environment, including water sources, farmland, and natural areas. For St. Clements, this means making sure development is done in a way that preserves our natural resources for the future.

7. How will Plan20-50 affect housing in St. Clements?

Answer: The plan supports a variety of housing options to meet the needs of our community. It ensures that any new housing fits well with our rural lifestyle, providing options for all residents while keeping the character of St. Clements intact.

8. What role does St. Clements have in Plan20-50?

Answer: The RM of St. Clements has a big role in how the plan is put into action locally. Our Council will keep making decisions about how our community grows, using the plan as a guide to address regional challenges and opportunities in a way that benefits us all.

9. Will Plan20-50 raise taxes in St. Clements?

Answer: The plan doesn’t set tax rates, but by promoting smart development, it helps manage infrastructure costs. This could help avoid big tax increases in the future.

10. How can residents of St. Clements share their thoughts on Plan20-50?

Answer: Residents can share their ideas and concerns with the Winnipeg Metro Region (WMR) through public consultations/hearings scheduled . Your input is important to making sure the plan reflects what our community needs and wants, please check the WMR website for dates for Public Input.

In Conclusion: Plan20-50 is a comprehensive approach to planning for our region’s future. While it may seem complex, the goal is to ensure that all communities, including ours, are prepared for growth and change in a way that benefits everyone. If there are concerns, we encourage open respectful discussion to address them constructively.

These FAQs are provided as information for residents of St. Clements, on how Plan20-50 impacts the community. Everyone is encouraged to read the plan.