Planning Hearings

Planning hearings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm in the RM of St. Clements Council Chambers, 1043 Kittson Rd., East Selkirk.

A public planning hearing is designed to provide public input prior to elected officials making a decision on planning applications, as outlined in The Planning Act.

Do you have questions about planning hearings? Visit our Planning Hearing FAQ page to learn everything you need to know.

CU 36-2024 – PH Notice

CU 4-2025 – PH Notice

VO 136-2024 – PH Notice

VO 3-2025 – PH Notice

VO 1-2025 – PH Notice

VO 100-2024 – PH Notice

VO 116-2024 – PH Notice

S24-3081 – PH Notice

VO 131-2024 – PH Notice

VO 4-2025 – PH Notice

COVID-19 Procedural Changes

Council meetings and public hearings are once again open to the public. There is no requirement to show proof of vaccination. In addition to in-person meetings and hearings, we have opted to continue to live stream our meetings on our Youtube for viewing from home and encourage that option for anyone that would prefer. We will still also use ZOOM for those wishing to use this alternate option to attend the public hearing.

For those using ZOOM: As the planning portion of the meeting does not commence until 6:00 pm, you will not be granted access to the meeting via the ZOOM link provided until this section begins. We ask that those choosing to use the ZOOM option to attend the meeting follow a few rules to ensure it progresses without delay, this includes keeping your microphone muted until your file is presented and respecting fellow attendees within the meeting. 

Registering Attendance

Any person who wishes to make a presentation, ask questions or register an objection to Council during the Public Hearing must register online or by calling 204-482-3300 no later than the Friday before the scheduled hearing. If you opt to attend via ZOOM you will be provided a link to participate following registration.

The following information must be provided:

    • Full name
    • Civic address
    • Phone number
    • Position (in favour, opposed, information)
    • Hearing Number i.e. Conditional Use Application No. 01/20 (located on the public hearing notice)

If you wish to simply watch the meeting, planning meetings will be available live through YouTube.

Register Here!

Planning Public Hearing Registration

This form is to use for residents to register online for Planning Public Hearings that will be streamed online.

  • Ex. VO 1-2021
  • Please include detailed comments and information giving the reason for your position on the proposed planning item.