Red River North RCMP – Increase in Break & Enters

Red River North RCMP have seen an increase in break and enters and vehicle thefts.  I know you have heard this reminder before, but it is important to always lock your car whenever it is left unattended. Studies have shown that the vast majority of vehicles that are burglarized or stolen have been left unlocked.  Don’t be the next victim. Here are several simple steps that everyone should follow.

  • Always lock your vehicle, even when it’s parked in your driveway or garage.
  • Always take your keys or fob with you.
  • Never leave or hide a smart key, valet key, or spare key anywhere in or on your vehicle, no matter where you park it.
  • Never leave your car running while unattended or unlocked.
  • If possible, park your vehicle in a locked garage.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Keep the exterior of homes and driveways well illuminated.
  • Close all your vehicle’s windows completely when parked.
  • Consider installing a GPS system, a visible anti-theft device or an audible alarm.
  • Never leave valuable personal property in your vehicle.
  • Also, secure the transmitter for your garage door opener to prevent access to your home.

Pay careful attention when you leave your vehicle and when you return to it.  Watch for people lurking or stalking nearby.  You do not want to be their next victim.  Absentmindedly talking on your cell phone instead of being alert makes you a soft target for crime.

Sgt. Kent McEachern

Red River North RCMP Detachment