Spring Melt and the Need for Volunteers

Prior to diving into details with the upcoming melt and sandbag availability, we want to first thank all the volunteers and residents who helped out this past year. It was a very challenging 2022 due to overland flooding and we are grateful for all who helped out during that time. 


Over the last few years, our Emergency Coordinator has focused heavily and building a great team of volunteers. We couldn’t be happier with the amount of interest that we have seen and we are very grateful to all who have helped out when needed. We are always seeking additional people to join the team. If you are interested, please reach out. We do our best to have fun with our volunteers but mostly, we are here to build a strong sense of community.  

We know that our community is filled with compassionate people that would love to lend a helping hand during an emergency. If this sounds like you and you’d like to learn more, please reach out to our Emergency Coordinator, Tyler Freeman by email at tyler@rmofstclements.com or by phone at 204-482-3300.

2023 Provincial Spring Flood Outlook

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre reports a major risk of flooding on the Red River and low to moderate risk of flooding in most Manitoba basins in its March spring outlook. Spring flood risk largely depends on weather conditions from now until the spring melt.  Spring flood risk largely depends on weather conditions from now until the spring melt.

You can view the complete flood outlook report here. We will be sure to share the next flood outlook which is expected to be released late March.

Municipal Preparation

Our Public Works has already begun cleaning out the ditches and this should be completed near the beginning of April. This operation is crucial to ensure our drains are running smoothly and will allow the water to flow. Our staff work diligently to monitor the drains, but if you do face any issues please reach out to our staff by calling 204-482-3300.  

If you are having issues with any of the Provincial roads, these highways and drains are under the jurisdiction of Manitoba Highways. Please contact Manitoba Highways directly at 204-346-6266 to advise them of the issue.


Sand will be delivered to the RM office by the end of the day on March 24th, 2023 along with empty bags. You can attend at anytime to fill what you need. We ask that you bring your own shovel. If you have any questions, please contact our Emergency Coordinator, Tyler Freeman at 204-482-3300 or tyler@rmofstclements.com. Once the sand is onsite, we will update our messaging. 

Wondering About The Risk of Flooding at Your Home? 

If you are new to the area, or want to discuss potential flooding issues please contact Tyler at 204-482-3300 or tyler@rmostclements.com.