Waste Disposal Fee Changes coming August 1, 2021
We would like to thank residents for taking the time to provide feedback on the proposed waste disposal fee changes outlined in By-Law 1-2020 . Based on your feedback, the by-law was passed by Council on April 27, 2021. The RM will introduce these changes on August 1, 2021.
This is the first fee increase in over a decade and it will help address rising infrastructure costs and meet new environmental standards without increasing property taxes in the RM. Opting for an increase in user fees is the best solution as it ensures that a larger share of the cost for waste management services is paid by those who use those services the most and shifts a greater proportion of waste management fees onto non-residents and commercial users.
Many valuable suggestions were brought forward on ways waste management services can be further improved within the RM. While ideas are being considered by Council for future implementation, here are a few things the RM is already taking action on:
- A new Household Hazardous Waste Recycling program will be launching at the Libau Landfill in June 2021. This program will be free for residents and will allow for the safe disposal of items like flammables, corrosives, fluorescent lights and paint.
- Council has approved the RM’s participation in a pilot program that aims to better manage uncontaminated wood waste brought to our landfill and transfer stations. More details to come.
- In response to issues of illegal dumping in our communities, the RM is reviewing its existing by-law to address what more can be done on enforcement.
- When the RM is notified of illegal dumping within the RM, crews are dispatched to clean up (for illegal dumping or litter on highways or provincial roads, contact the Province at 204-346-6266).
- Improving on-site conditions by connecting the Clarke and Gull Lake transfer stations to hydroelectricity.
- Waste tracking card reissue being done end of July 2021 to provide those that may have lost their original cards from 2017 with new cards.
Background on why the changes were proposed, a summary of feedback received and the RMs response to that feedback can be found in the final waste disposal fee changes report.
What’s changing
- Non-residents and commercial users will now pay more than residents. This helps keep fees low for people living in the RM of St. Clements.
- Fees for the disposal of household bags, tipping fees for miscellaneous garbage, and refrigeration items, among other things, change August 1. Many fees or previously free items remain unchanged.
- For some items, the available amount of free waste disposal has been capped.
- Some fees and procedures for specialized items and materials have changed.
New Fee Schedule – Effective August 1, 2021