Zebra Mussels Treatement and Control Program Updates
May 22, 2014
As representatives and users of the 4 Harbours being treated for zebra mussels in coming days, I write to provide you today’s project process update, first noting that today was the first official day of project implementation by way of curtain installation at Winnipeg Beach. I fully plan on providing you all a daily update in this fashion as we work through the harbour treatment process. Today’s update is as follows:
Winnipeg Beach/Boundary Creek Harbour Curtain Install
- Today, ASI Group representatives – the consultants undertaking the Harbour treatments – initiated the installation of the gated curtain at Winnipeg Beach. According to Dan Butts, ASI’s Site Manager, the first day went “very well” and is on schedule. The curtain and cabling is bundled on shore and ready for planned placement across the harbour first thing tomorrow morning. The hand operated winch will be installed at this time too, on the mainland side of the harbour entrance, with the majority of the install completed by noon time. Tomorrow afternoon is earmarked for the Dominion Divers dive team to come check the curtain and conduct any necessary anchoring. By the end of tomorrow afternoon, the curtain is planned to be fully operational and staffed by our personnel (see below).
- The liquid potash tank, for filling the potash dispensing water craft treating the harbour, is in place adjacent to harbour waters at the provincial park boat launch and parking lot. The tank location is secured and is to be re-filled by tanker truck during the charging process. This tank set up approach is outlined here as this is the planned set-up at each harbour location. Once a harbour has been charged this tank set-up is moved to the next harbour as shown on the schedule.
- At this time, ASI representatives anticipate being at Arnes/Silver Harbour this coming Sunday, as per the current schedule.
We have assembled 54 department staff to provide rotating 24 hour, 7 day per week, full time oversight of the curtain installations and operation of the gated curtains. Staff will be positioned at the curtains once they are installed and operational. As discussed with a number of you here this week, we will be working to engage with you as soon as possible in coming days to discuss “signaling and communication” methods to be employed from shore by staff attending the curtains, in communicating with boaters approaching the curtains.
May 23, 2014
Winnipeg Beach Curtain Install
Earlier this evening, ASI Group Site Manager Dan Butts reports that the curtain is fully installed and functional at Winnipeg Beach, and is working “excellent”. Charging of the Winnipeg Beach Harbour area is to begin tomorrow, Saturday, May 24th, and continue through Sunday and the first half of Monday. I would like to thank those copied here that attend today’s News Media Photo Opportunity at Winnipeg Beach, much appreciated.
Balsam Bay as the Next Curtain Install Location
Due to current curtain supply logistics, and to maintain immediate ongoing curtain installations, the next curtain install location is now going to beBalsam Bay, contrary to previous “estimated” scheduling. ASI Group representatives will be installing the next harbour curtain at Balsam Bay Harbour tomorrow, Saturday May 24th. Charging of the Balsam Bay Harbour will follow charging at Winnipeg Beach. Rescheduled dates for curtain installations at Gimli Harbour and Arnes/Silver Harbour, for next week, will be provided as soon as they are available.
Curtain Design Details
A number of you have asked for information today regarding the design of the curtain and how it is to work. Attached is a design drawing prepared by ASI group illustrating the curtain design, including the 20’ weighted mid-section and one person winch operating system for raising and lowering the curtain.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Reference Document
We have prepared and posted on our department website a “Frequently Asked Questions Reference Document” that works to outline and provide answer to a number of common questions that relate to the Lake Winnipeg Zebra Mussel Treatment and Control Project. The document is accessed via the following link to the department website:
<a href=”http://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/waterstewardship/stopais/pdf/zebra_mussel_reference.pdf?archive=&item=30867”>http://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/waterstewardship/stopais/pdf/zebra_mussel_reference.pdf?archive=&item=30867</a>
Daily Website Information Updates
Starting Monday of next week, we will provide a new weblink to a “Daily Information Update” page on our department web page where current Zebra Mussel Treatment Project information has already been posted, as per the link below:
May 24, 2014
Balsam Bay Curtain Install
ASI representatives report that the Balsam Bay curtain install went quickly and extremely well today. Staff was in place to provide oversight at the harbour curtain by 4:00 pm today. Potash charging will take place at Balsam Bay Harbour on Tuesday, May 27, once charging at Winnipeg Beach is complete. No issues to report. Images for the harbour are inserted below:
Winnipeg Beach Potash Charging
ASI staff started charging Winnipeg Beach at about 2:00 pm this afternoon. By approximately 8:00 pm tonight they were close to finishing the last of the potash volume from the onsite tanks. A new potash shipment arrives first thing tomorrow morning to allow for more treatment tomorrow. ASI staff will test harbour potash concentrations in the morning. Overall, the treatment at Winnipeg Beach is going very well, with the curtain performing as expected, holding position and raising/lowering without issue.
Canadian Coast Guard VHF “NOT SHIP” Messaging
Today, Canadian Coast Guard – Search and air Rescue (SAR) Staff in Gimli worked to assist with on the lake VHF radio “NOT SHIP” messaging, a radio message every 4 hours for the period referenced in the message’s timeframe for the treatment project. Many thanks to the CCG for their assistance in this regard. As example, the message that went out today for Balsam Bay:
MAY 24, 2014
Curtain Install Logistics – Rescheduled Dates for Arnes and Gimli
As of this evening, I have no new information forrescheduled dates for curtain installations at Gimli Harbour and Arnes/Silver Harbour next week. Again, I will provide this information to you all as soon as the dates are available.
Assisting with Spreading Project Messaging: Lake Friendly – Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region (PMCR)
Colleen Sklar, Executive Director, Lake Friendly – Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region, has offered to help us spread our department weblink to various jurisdiction and agency websites associated with the PMRS as well as those representing the South Basin Mayors and Reeves Lake Friendly Accord. A great help as we have worked to gain some support for web posting by these jurisdictions/agencies already (E.g. the RM of Gimli, Town of Winnipeg Beach, RM of St. Clements), but not all. Many thanks again Colleen!
May 25, 2014
Winnipeg Beach Charging and Installation of Live Mussels
ASI representatives continued with potash charging at Winnipeg Beach Harbour all day today. The process went very well today and ASI is on schedule with completing the charging there by tomorrow at noon. Tomorrow, ASI will inject another load to complete the treatment. Water temperatures ranged, on average 12°-15°C within the middle of the water column throughout the harbour – cooler near the curtain, warmer towards the interior of the harbour. These temperatures are providing ideal conditions for conducting the treatments. Also, ASI installed the live mussels in the bioassay cages in the harbour area for testing and confirming treatment effectiveness and ultimately when the treatment is finalized – a date no sometime within 10 days from now as estimated on the schedule. Following final charging tomorrow, equipment and potash tanks will be readied for move over to Balsam Bay for Tuesday the 27th– the process is on schedule for Winnipeg Beach and Balsam Bay.
Balsam Bay Charging and Installation of Live Mussels
ASI representatives report that they will be at Balsam Bay on Tuesday to begin charging and also install the live mussels in the bioassay cages in the harbour area. A smaller harbour with warm water temperatures – treatment should go fairly quickly there.
Arnes and Gimli Curtains – Shipping Logistics
As of this evening, again, I have no new information forrescheduled dates for curtain installations at Gimli Harbour and Arnes/Silver Harbour next week. Again, I will provide this information to you all as soon as the dates are available.
Boater Advisory Signage
Over the last 2 days, department staff have installed Boater Advisory signs indicating the harbour closures at Balsam Bay and Winnipeg Beach and also within harbours and marinas not being treated on the east side of the lake including Hillside Marina, Victoria Beach Harbour, Pine Falls, Mantago Bay, Pelican Harbour and Seymourville. Today, signs were installed at Selkirk Park boat launch, Breezy Point/End of Main Provincial Park boat launch and Chesley’s Resort and Marina on the upper reaches of the Red River as boater outlet points on to Lake Winnipeg. Signage will be installed at harbours/marinas along the west side of the lake, that are not being treated, by Tuesday of this week.
Harbour Curtain Staff – VHF Radio Communications with Boaters
This morning I met with representatives from the Gimli Harbour Authority (GHA) and the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) to discuss a plan for enhanced communications, beyond just the hand sign signals, for department staff working the curtains at each harbour: the addition of hand held VHF Radios. This approach is conceptually envisioned at this point as involving:
2 handheld VHF radios per harbour staff site
Those radios will use VHF channel 7, as example
Harbour locations will be identified by name, as example “Winnipeg Beach”, for this to be the communication acknowledgment of harbour staff by the boaters. These “call tags”, for lack of a better term, along with the most appropriate channel, will be determined with commercial fishermen/boaters through meetings as soon as possible and to all fishers/boaters via the Canadian Coast Guard “NOT SHIP” VHF messaging that was put into place yesterday by the CCG.
We plan to have these radios in hand tomorrow and will plan to meet with fishers/boaters in short order to determine and confirm this approach and to then inform our staff of the approach and have the radios at each site. An important overall task for the start of the week.
So, Can A Motor Powered Boat Actually Make It Across A Lowered Curtain?
Absolutely, no problem whatsoever. Today a 30’ whitefish boat made it across the lowered curtain at Winnipeg Beach. ASI staff were at the curtain when this occurred and commented that cabling remained slack when the boat passed indicating no contact with the curtain. All is well with the curtain design and its effectiveness within the treatment process as illustrated to this point in time at Winnipeg beach.
May 26, 2014
Winnipeg Beach Charging
This evening, ASI representatives completed treatments at Winnipeg Beach for today, with potash levels found to be at ideal levels for treatment purposes. Water temperatures are approximately 13°C within the harbour and approximately 10°C on the lake side of the curtain. Bioassay cages remain in place and are being checked by ASI representatives. The localwhitefish boat in harbour crossed the curtain 2 times today with no issues as the gate continues to work very well.
Balsam Bay Charging
ASI representatives plan to haul the potash tanks and Sealander applicator boat over to Balsam Bay tomorrow morning. The caged tank enclosure will remain onsite at the Winnipeg Beach Provincial Park boat launch to allow for the tanks to be brought back the same day from Balsam Bay following treatment of that location. ASI representatives report that they are on schedule to begin charging Balsam Bay tomorrow afternoon.
Arnes and Gimli Curtains – Shipping Logistics
As of this evening, again, I have no new information forrescheduled dates for curtain installations at Gimli Harbour and Arnes/Silver Harbour this week. Again, I will provide this information to you all as soon as the dates are available.
Preparatory Work for Curtain Installs At Arnes and Gimli
Over the next 2 days, Tuesday and Wednesday, ASI representatives will conduct preparatory work at Arnes and Gimli while awaiting the curtains, in order to expedite installation once the curtains do arrive.
Harbour Site Assessments, Monitoring Efforts and Harbour Signage Installs
Fisheries Branch Staff continued collecting background data on fin-fish presence in Winnipeg Beach and Balsam Bay harbours prior to potash treatment and after curtain deployment as part of on-going provincial fisheries management efforts. Efforts also included the provision of training to recently hired students on zebra mussel veliger sampling as part of the Branch’s on-going follow-up post treatment and on-going monitoring for zebra mussel evidence outside the harbour areas. Staff also continued placing public information signage regarding harbour closures at non-affected south basin harbours.
May 27, 2014
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
The treatment process at Winnipeg Beach is going well, with potash levels reaching required levels throughout the harbour. ASI representatives are to load more potash in the harbour tomorrow working to achieve overall levels of 100 ppm for optimum treatment. Water temperatures in the harbour are averaging 13.5°C, providing ideal conditions for the treatment process. We are at day 3 of the treatment today, and certainly on schedule towards the estimated treatment completion date of June 3rd. ASI representatives continue to monitor the live mussels in the bioassay cages daily, in working to test the effectiveness of the treatment. The gated curtain at this location continues to work very well, without issue.
Balsam Bay Charging
ASI representatives worked to fully charge Balsam Bay Harbour today. This is a small harbour and potash charging quickly reached preferred levels of 100 ppm. Average water temperature in the harbour is 13°C. Given current water temperatures, the treatment process should go quite well. We are certainly on schedule for the estimated June 6 completion date for this harbour. Mussel bioassay cages were also installed in the harbour for monitoring by ASI. No issues have been experienced at this site with the fixed curtain.
Gimli Curtain Install and Charging
Following recent shipping delays in the US, the gated curtain for Gimli is to be in Gimli at noontime on Thursday May 29 with installation planned for this Friday, May 30. Potash charging will be conducted in the harbour on Saturday (May 31), Sunday (June 1) and Monday (June 2). Based on our estimate of 10 days of treatment, with water temperatures at 10°C, we estimate Gimli to be completed by approximately June 11, which remains consistent with our previous timeframe estimates.
Arnes/Silver Curtain Install and Charging
The gated curtain for Arnes/Silver Harbour is to also arrive on Thursday May 29 and be installed on Saturday May 31, with potash charging to follow on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 3 and 4, following charging at Gimli. Again, based on our 10 day estimated treatment process, treatment at Arnes/Silver Harbour is estimated to be completed by Friday June 13, the overall project “end date” as also previously estimated.
Daily Project Updates Now Online
Daily project updates, based on the information provided to you in this daily email, are now online via our project information website.
May 28, 2014
Winnipeg Beach Harbour Treatment
The treatment process at Winnipeg Beach continues and is going well, with potash levels reaching desired levels again this evening following charging. ASI representatives are monitoring the harbour waters and adding potash as necessary. Water temperatures in the harbour averaged 19°C today, still providing ideal conditions for the treatment process. We are at day 4 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI representatives continue to monitor the live mussels in the bioassay cages daily, in working to test the effectiveness of the treatment. The gated curtain at this location continues to work very well, without issue.
Balsam Bay Treatment
ASI representatives tested Balsam Bay Harbour waters today confirming desired potash levels required for treatment. Average water temperature in the harbour is 17°C. Current water temperatures and potash levels are providing ideal conditions for the treatment process. We are at day 2 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI continues to monitor mussel bioassay cages installed in the harbour. No issues have been experienced at this site with the fixed curtain.
Gimli Harbour Curtain Install and Charging
Transport of the gated curtains for both Gimli and Arnes/Silver Harbours remains on schedule and set to arrive in Gimli tomorrow afternoon, Thursday May 29. Installation of the gated curtain for Gimli remains scheduled for Friday May 30. I have no current temperature reading for Gimli Harbour waters to share with you.
Arnes/Silver Harbour Curtain Install and Charging
As with the Gimli curtain, the Arnes curtain will also arrive tomorrow and is still scheduled for install Saturday May 31 at Arnes Harbour. I have no current temperature reading for Arnes/Silver Harbour waters to share with you.
Canadian Coast Guard VHF “NOT SHIP” Messaging & VHF Channel 8 for Communicating With Harbour Curtain Staff
Today, Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Staff in Gimli worked to update the marine VHF radio “NOT SHIP” messaging to communicate that VHF channel 8 is to be used by boaters to communicate with harbour curtain staff. This “NOT SHIP” radio message goes out every 4 hours for the period referenced in the message’s timeframe for the treatment project. As example, the message that went out today for Winnipeg Beach:
MAY 28, 2014
Again, as indicated in the message, curtain staff can be reached on VHF channel 8 by approaching boaters.
This will assist boaters who are to access and cross the curtains, in communicating with curtain staff as need be. Again, many thanks to CCG Staff in Gimli, and their regional CCG colleagues, for providing this support to the project.
May 28, 2015 Press Release
– – –
Watercraft Inspection Program in Operation, Canine Unit Available: Minister Nevakshonoff
Manitoba has launched its detection and awareness campaign in the fight against zebra mussels and will more than double the number of staff and equipment available for detection since zebra mussels were discovered in Lake Winnipeg, Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Tom Nevakshonoff announced today.
“Fighting the expansion of this highly invasive species takes a concerted effort by everyone who enjoys our lakes and rivers,” Minister Nevakshonoff said. “We took an aggressive approach to control zebra mussels last year in four harbours, but mussels survived outside the harbours, so now more than ever, we need everyone’s support and vigilance.”
To assist with control efforts this year, the aquatic invasive species (AIS) program has once again launched its annual watercraft inspection program. This program has been greatly expanded since 2013 and now has six decontamination units available, the minister said. The goal is to prevent the introduction of new AIS into Manitoba while helping to contain the spread of zebra mussels within the province, he added.
Watercraft inspectors have taken decontamination units to locations such as the Emerson and Boissevain border crossings, and the Selkirk Park and Pine Falls boat launches, inspecting more than 200 watercraft and performing eight decontaminations from May 21 to 25, Minister Nevakshonoff said.
“This year, a detection dog is also available to assist with determining zebra mussel presence on watercraft and water-related equipment,” the minister said. “Following a successful training period, the dog was deployed this past weekend at Emerson and will assist at high-risk and high-traffic watercraft inspection stations and border crossings in Manitoba when available.”
Last year, Manitoba introduced proposed legislation with a number of measures that would be specifically aimed at preventing the spread of zebra mussels and complement federal regulatory changes. The new provincial AIS legislation would:
* prohibit the possession, transportation and release of aquatic invasive species;
* require trailered watercraft to stop and allow an inspection of the watercraft and water-based gear at watercraft inspection stations; and
* allow the designation of control zones, where restrictions and prohibitions can be established in specific areas to prevent the introduction or control the spread of an AIS.
Increased awareness of zebra mussels led to the recent report of them on a private dock in the Red River, near Selkirk Park, the minister said. Adult mussels were found on the float underneath a dock and appeared to be dead. They were likely from last year, although one was still firmly attached to the dock’s float. This is the first evidence of zebra mussels in the Manitoba portion of the Red River, he noted, adding that further monitoring will take place to determine whether they have successfully established in the northern portion of the Red River.
Everyone is asked to do their part by:
* cleaning and removing any visible aquatic plants, AIS or mud from the watercraft, trailer and all water-related gear;
* draining water from compartments; and
* drying all equipment and any hard-to-drain compartments that have contacted the water with a dry towel or sponge before it is used in any other body of water.
To report a zebra mussel or any other AIS from a new location, take pictures and visit www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/waterstewardship/stopais/ or call toll-free 1-877-STOP AIS-0
May 29, 2014
Boundary Creek Marina/Winnipeg Beach Harbour
Treatment process at Winnipeg Beach is going well, with potash levels reaching desired levels again Wednesday evening following charging. ASI representatives are monitoring the harbour waters and adding potash as necessary. Water temperatures in the harbour averaged 19°C, providing ideal conditions for the treatment process. This completes day 4 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI representatives continue to monitor the live mussels in the bioassay cages daily, in working to test the effectiveness of the treatment. The gated curtain at this location continues to work very well, without issue.
Balsam Bay Harbour
ASI representatives tested Balsam Bay Harbour waters, confirming desired potash levels required for treatment. Average water temperature in the harbour is 17°C. Current water temperatures and potash levels are providing ideal conditions for the treatment process. This completes day 2 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI continues to monitor mussel bioassay cages installed in the harbour. The gated curtain at this location continues to work very well, without issue.
Gimli Harbour
Transport of the gated curtains for both Gimli and Arnes/Silver Harbours remains on schedule and they are set to arrive in Gimli Thursday afternoon (May 29). Installation of the gated curtain for Gimli remains scheduled for Friday May 30.
Silver Harbour Marine Resort
Arnes Harbour Transport of the gated curtains for both Gimli and Arnes/Silver Harbours remains on schedule and they are set to arrive Thursday afternoon (May 29). Installation of the gated curtain for Arnes Harbour is scheduled for Saturday May 31.
Boaters Use VHF Channel 8
Boaters are reminded that VHF channel 8 should be used to communicate with harbour curtain staff. Prior to entry to harbour, contact “Mussel Operations” on VHF channel 8. For Further Information Contact: Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship www.manitoba.ca/stopAIS
May 30, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
The treatment process at Winnipeg Beach continues to go well, with potash levels maintained at desired levels of 100 ppm this evening following charging. ASI representatives continue to monitor potash concentrations in the harbour waters. I have no current temperature reading for Gimli Harbour waters to share with you. We are at day 6 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI representatives continue to monitor the live mussels in the bioassay cages daily, in working to test the effectiveness of the treatment. The gated curtain at this location continues to work very well and without issue.
Balsam Bay Harbour
ASI representatives report that potash levels remained over 100 ppm today. Given the consistently high potash levels since the harbour was first charged on Tuesday, the bioassay mussels continue to show significant distress. I have no current temperature reading for Balsam Bay Harbour waters to share with you. We are at day 4 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. No issues have been experienced with the fixed curtain at this site.
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives worked to prepare and place the Gimli gated curtain adjacent to the harbour mouth today. Tomorrow morning, May 31, staff will place the curtain across the harbour mouth, fixing the curtain ends to the breakwater rock armour and, with the utilization of the Dominion Divers dive team, fix and weight the curtain underwater. ASI representatives will then move the potash tanks from Winnipeg Beach to Gimli Harbour to allow for charging to begin in the Harbour at approximately 12 noon tomorrow, May 31, according to schedule.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
This afternoon and evening, ASI representatives worked to place the Arnes gated curtain adjacent to the harbour mouth. Once the dive team completes the process for affixing the Gimli curtain tomorrow, the team will move to Arnes and conduct the underwater fixing and weighting of the curtain. By the end of day tomorrow the Arnes curtain will be fully anchored and ready for initial potash charging as planned for Tuesday, June 3.
May 31, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
The treatment process at Winnipeg Beach continues to go well with potash levels maintained at desired levels of 100 ppm throughout the day. ASI representatives continue to monitor potash concentrations in the harbour waters. The average water temperature in the harbour today was 20.5°C. We are at day 7 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI representatives continue to monitor the live mussels in the bioassay cages daily, in working to test the effectiveness of the treatment. Those mussels pulled from the cages today are showing signs of significant distress. The gated curtain at this location continues to work very well and without issue.
Balsam Bay Harbour
ASI representatives report that potash levels have dropped to levels of 80-90 ppm from previous levels of 100 ppm today. However, these potash levels along with current temperatures still provide an effective treatment. Those mussels pulled from the bioassay cages today continued to show signs of significant distress. The average water temperature in the harbour today was 19°C. We are at day 5 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. There have been no issues with the fixed curtain.
Gimli Harbour
ASI staff and the Dominion Divers dive team worked to fully install the gated curtain across the entrance to Gimli Harbour today, making the curtain fully operational by midday. ASI representatives began charging the harbour by late afternoon today. Water temperatures averaged 9°C. The Harbour was quite busy today with boats being launched and moored in the harbour. The Canadian Coast guard vessel the VAKTA was the first boat to come across the curtain today. No issues were reported from this crossing.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
ASI and the Dominion Divers dive team were unable to make it to Arnes and install the curtain today, spending more time at Gimli than expected. Installation of the Arnes curtain is now planned for Monday June 2. However, potash charging of the Harbour is still set to begin on Tuesday June 3 as planned previously.
Harbour Access Information And Project Signage In the Harbours
In address of recent questions regarding harbour access and project signage placed at harbours, I provide the following information. Previously, information regarding harbour access and egress by boaters during the Zebra Mussel Treatment and Control Project has been made public via provincial News Release (http://news.gov.mb.ca/news/index.html?archive=&item=30867) and includes the following points:
- the gated curtain will allow the Coast Guard and search and rescue boats, subsistence and commercial fishers’ boats in and out of the harbour;
- recreational and non-commercial boats can be launched and moored in the infested harbours before and during the treatment process, and harbour user and public access to harbour docks will not be restricted during the treatment process once the potash has initially been applied;
- recreational boaters are asked to remain in the harbour as much as possible during treatment to reduce gate operation and some larger-keeled recreational boats may have to remain in harbours at all times, depending on water levels relative to the gates.
We ask that all harbour authorities/representatives and representatives of boater associations/user groups please assist with providing this information and messaging to all boaters in the harbours.
Prior to the harbour treatments being conducted, signs communicating the following information were erected throughout the harbour areas addressing restrictions to “public access”:
Public Access to this
harbour is temporarily
restricted between:
(dates shown for estimated period of harbour treatment)
This sign has been placed at boat launches, either adjacent to the launch or on a movable barricade in front of the launch and is intended for the general public in preventing those citizens from launching their boat and using the harbour areas during the treatment process, limiting boat traffic in those harbours.
However, regular harbour users including commercial fishers and recreational boaters who are patrons of harbour areas and rent or purchase slips or dock spaces in those harbours are not restricted in using the harbours or in launching their boats during the harbour treatments. Where barricades are placed in front of launches, those regular harbour users can move the barricades to the side of the launch in order to launch their boats. We ask that these users or Harbour Authority representatives please place the barricades back into position following the launching of their boats.
Additional signage communicating:
Public Access to the
following harbours
restricted between:
(dates shown for estimated period of harbour treatment)
This sign has been placed in Lake Winnipeg south basin harbours that are not being treated for zebra mussels (e.g. Victoria Beach Harbour) informing boaters in those locations of “restrictions” to accessing those harbours included in the Lake Winnipeg Zebra Mussel Treatment and Control Project.
June 1, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
Today’s observations of bioassay mussels suggest we are nearing the end of the treatment at Winnipeg Beach. We are at day 8 of the estimated 10 day treatment. Potash levels were found to be holding over 100 ppm throughout the majority of the harbour today. The average water temperature in the harbour was 20°C. Strong north winds have caused lake waters to flow into the harbour, likely reducing potash concentrations. Any potential reduction in potash concentrations at this point in time are not going to affect the treatment process. The gated curtain continues to work without issue.
Balsam Harbour
To today’s observations of bioassay mussels also suggest we are nearing the end of the treatment process at Balsam Bay. We are at day 6 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI representatives report that potash levels have dropped to approximately 65 ppm from previous levels of 80-90 ppm from yesterday. Any potential reduction in potash concentrations at this point in time are not going to affect the treatment process. Water temperatures ranged from 16-18°C. There have been no issues with the fixed curtain.
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives continued with potash charging in the harbour today. As of late today, achieved potash concentrations in the harbour include: 40 ppm in the north part of the harbour; 70 ppm in the mid part of the harbour, and; 50 ppm in the south part of the harbour. Potash levels are coming up nicely in the harbour with treatments continuing tomorrow. Today’s water temperatures averaged 12-13°C. The gated curtain continues to work without issue.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
ASI and the Dominion Divers dive team are to begin installing the curtain first thing tomorrow morning June 2, having the gated curtain and winch fully operational by the end of the day tomorrow.
June 2, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
Today, the treatment process came to a successful end at Winnipeg Beach Harbour with all bioassay mussels pulled from the harbour not recovering and all being confirmed dead after 48 hours of assessment in the freshwater recovery tank. Today was day 9 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. By mid-morning today, the curtain was fully removed from the harbour. Department staff and ASI staff worked to clean up the curtain operation site. Tomorrow, staff will work to confirm that all project barricades and signage are fully removed from the harbour area. The curtain is packed and will be taken and stored in a department storage facility. We thank all representatives and users of Winnipeg Beach Harbour for their patience and support in working to contribute to the process of successful treatment in the harbour. Much appreciated.
Balsam Bay Harbour
Today’s observations of the harbour’s bioassay mussels further suggest we are nearing the end of the treatment process at Balsam Bay. We are at day 7 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. ASI representatives report that potash levels have dropped to approximately 50 ppm from previous levels of 65 ppm yesterday. Any potential reduction in potash concentrations at this point in time is not going to affect the treatment process. Water temperatures again ranged from 16-18°C. There have been no issues with the fixed curtain.
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives continued charging the harbour today. As of late today, achieved potash concentrations are at 70 ppm throughout the harbour. Potash charging will continue tomorrow, and now possibly Wednesday as well. Today’s water temperatures averaged 13°C. The dive team conducted an inspection of the curtain this afternoon following yesterday’s contact with the VAKTA. No issues were reported from this inspection and the curtain continues to perform very well. The weighted boom is determined to drop 5.5’ down from the water surface, certainly preventing deep keeled watercraft from crossing the curtain.
Arnes Harbour
The Arnes curtain will be installed first thing tomorrow morning. Potash charging is to possibly start Wednesday or more likely Thursday.
Canadian Coast Guard VHF “NOT SHIP” Messaging – Winnipeg Beach Harbour Is Now Open
Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Staff in Gimli were informed today of the completed treatment and removal of the curtain at Winnipeg Beach. CCG representatives have worked to revise previous NOT SHIP messaging for Winnipeg Beach to now reflect that the harbour is now open.
June 3, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
Today, department staff worked to fully clean up the curtain work site and remove the curtain from the harbour area. All work associated with the zebra mussel treatment and control project at Winnipeg Beach Harbour is now complete.
Balsam Bay Harbour
Today, the treatment process came to an end at Balsam Bay Harbour with all bioassay mussels pulled from the harbour not recovering and all being confirmed dead after 48 hours of assessment in the freshwater recovery tank. Today was day 8 of the estimated 10 day treatment process. By late afternoon today, the curtain was fully removed from the harbour. Staff also worked to clean up the work site and harbour area, including barricades, signage, etc. A final check of the site will be conducted by staff first thing tomorrow morning.
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives continued with potash charging in the harbour today. Current potash levels in the harbour are not known and will be tested tomorrow morning, allowing levels to even out overnight. Potash charging will continue tomorrow. Today’s water temperatures averaged 13°C. The bioassay cages are now installed in the harbour. No issues have been experienced with the operation of the gated curtain.
Arnes Harbour
The Arnes gated curtain was installed and operational by early this afternoon. Department staff are now working at this location 24/7 in order to operate the curtain and provide passage for boaters. The gated curtain lowers 5.5’ from the water surface at this location. Potash charging is still planned to start on Thursday.
Canadian Coast Guard VHF “NOT SHIP” Messaging – Balsam Bay Harbour Is Now Open
Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Staff in Gimli were informed today of the completed treatment and removal of the curtain at Balsam Bay. CCG representatives are working to revise previous NOT SHIP messaging for Balsam Bay to now reflect that the harbour is now open.
June 4, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives continued charging the harbour today. Current potash levels are at approximately 90 ppm in the north and centre areas of the harbour and at approximately 70-80 ppm in the large southern portion of the harbour. As a result, ASI representatives will require an additional day, tomorrow, in working to achieve desired potash levels for treatment in the harbour. If accomplished tomorrow, that would leave us 8 days to complete the treatment by next Friday June 13. Today’s water temperatures averaged 13.5°C. Again, no issues have been experienced with the operation of the gated curtain. Motorized boats being launched and moved to Boundary Creek Marina for seasonal mooring are being accommodated with crossing the curtain ( average of 1-2 per day). However, keeled sailboats are being prevented from crossing the curtain until the treatment is complete due to concerns for potential contact and damage to the curtain. We thank owners/operators of keeled watercraft and Harbour Authority representatives for their patience in this regard.
Arnes Harbour
Due to delays with charging Gimli Harbour waters, potash charging of Arnes/Silver Bay harbour is now planned to begin on Friday June 6. That would then leave us 7 days to complete the treatment by next Friday June 13. As there is no potash in the harbour there is no present need to close the curtain. Therefore, staff continue to oversee the gated curtain in lowered position and fully open to boat traffic. Once potash charging begins, the gated curtain will be raised at this location. I have no current water temperature information for this harbour.
The Start Of The 2014 Commercial Fishing Season – Thursday, June 5, 6:00 am
Staff at the Gimli and Arnes curtains are prepared for the start of the commercial fishing season starting tomorrow morning. Potash charging will be ongoing at Gimli and Arnes/Silver Harbours as the season begins, with the Sealander watercraft and trailing potash applicator hose being slowly piloted within the harbours. At this time, we would like to wish all commercial fishers the best of luck during the fishing season.
June 5, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
Current potash levels are at desired levels for treatment in the northern and centre areas of the harbour. ASI representatives continued potash charging in the southern area of the harbour, achieving desired treatment levels by the end of today. Today’s water temperatures jumped to 17°C. Today is day 5 of the treatment process, having started last Saturday. There were no issues with the operation of the gated curtain in providing access/egress to commercial fishing skiffs to and from the harbour today, the first day of the commercial fishing season. Deep keeled watercraft are not able to cross the curtain. ASI representatives will be moving to Arnes/Silver Harbour tomorrow to begin charging that harbour area.
Arnes Harbour
Potash charging is to begin at Arnes/Silver Bay harbour by midday tomorrow, Friday June 6. At that time, the curtain will be raised to facilitate the treatment process. However, department staff will continue to operate the curtain providing harbour access/egress to motorized boat traffic . A number of commercial fishing skiffs crossed the lowered curtain today without issue. Deep keeled watercraft are not able to cross the curtain.
June 6, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives are pleased to report that potash levels are at desired levels of 100-105 ppm in all areas of the harbour today. We are at day 6 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures lowered to 14°C from yesterday given cooler temperatures and winds in the region today. There were no issues with operation of the gated curtain today. ASI representatives indicate that bioassay mussels in the harbour are showing signs of stress due to the treatment.
Arnes/Silver Bay Harbour
Potash charging at Arnes/Silver Bay Harbour began by mid afternoon today. Charging will continue tomorrow, Saturday June 7. The gated curtain at Arnes was raised this afternoon to facilitate the charging process and will remain operational during the course of the treatment to accommodate boaters at this harbour. Boaters are asked to slowly approach and cross the curtain once the curtain is fully lowered by curtain staff. Today’s average water temperature in the harbour was 15°C.
June 7, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives report that potash levels continue to hold at desired levels of 100-105 in all areas of the harbour. We are at day 7 of the treatment process, having started last Saturday. Today’s water temperatures averaged 15°C. Bioassay mussels in the harbour continue to look “stressed” due to exposure to the potash treatment. ASI representatives are now planning to do their first “pull” of bioassay mussels tomorrow, instead of today, in order to gauge the effectiveness of the treatment in the harbour. Again, there were no issues with the operation of the gated curtain. There was very little recreational boat traffic in the harbour today.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
Potash charging at Arnes/Silver Harbour continued again today with levels throughout the harbour quickly reaching 45-50 ppm. Today’s average water temperature in the harbour was 12.5°C. There were no issues with operation of the gated curtain. We are at day 2 of the treatment process. Bioassay cages containing live mussels were put in the harbour today. There was no recreational boat traffic in the harbour today.
June 8, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives discovered a rip in the curtain allowing lake currents to flow into the harbour. The gated curtain remains operational for boaters. Water samplings determined that potash levels have dropped from 100 ppm to 80-90 ppm throughout the majority of the harbour. Levels of 60 ppm were found isolated to an area near the main wharf behind the Namao research vessel. However. these lowered potash levels still work to provide effective conditions for treatment. ASI representatives conducted their first pull of bioassay mussels today in order to assess mortality in the freshwater recovery tank. Those mussels pulled are showing signs of significant distress and will be assessed tomorrow afternoon at the first of two 24 hour assessment intervals. We are at day 8 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures averaged 13°C. In working to address the ripped curtain and lowered potash levels, ASI representatives have already scheduled the Dominion Divers dive team to replace the curtain tomorrow afternoon and will then utilize a Dominion Divers boat to top-up potash levels in the harbour.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
Potash charging at Arnes/Silver Harbour was completed today with potash levels at 100 ppm throughout the harbour area. Today’s average water temperature in the harbour was 12.5°C. We are at day 3 of the treatment process. There were no issues with operation of the gated curtain. However, while completing potash charging this afternoon the ASI Sealander potash applicator boat broke down and is in process of being serviced. The Dominion Divers boat referenced above will be used to continue potash charging – if required in coming days at both Arnes/Silver and Gimli Harbours – while the Sealander is temporarily out-of-service.
June 9, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
Dominion Divers were not able to assess and/or replace the curtain today and are now scheduled to do so tomorrow, June 10. The gated curtain remains lowered to allow for boats to cross the curtain. Water samplings determined that potash levels have dropped to approximately 70 ppm throughout the majority of the harbour. Levels of a little less than 60 ppm were again found isolated to an area near the main wharf behind the Namao research vessel. Although these lowered levels provide for continued treatment, ASI representatives plan to inject more potash tomorrow to raise current levels for full effectiveness. Bioassay mussels assessed today in the freshwater recovery tank are showing signs of significant distress. We are at day 9 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures averaged 14°C.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
A replacement applicator boat completed potash charging today in the lower reaches of the harbour, achieving overall desired levels for treatment. Today’s average water temperature in the harbour was 12.5°C. We are at day 4 of the treatment process. There were no issues with operation of the gated curtain.
Sealander Applicator Boat
The Sealander was repaired today and will be in service tomorrow to conduct potash charging at Gimli.
June 10, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
Dominion Divers were not able to replace the curtain today due to strong south-westerly wind conditions and are now scheduled to do so first thing tomorrow morning, June 11. However, the Divers did remove the damaged curtain and at present time there is no curtain in harbour. ASI representatives report that potash levels average 70 ppm throughout the majority of the harbour. Although these lowered levels provide for continued treatment, ASI representatives worked to inject more potash in the centre area of the harbour intending to raise current levels for full effectiveness. Bioassay mussels assessed today in the freshwater recovery tank continue to show signs of significant distress. Given this, our goal is the possibility that the treatment may be concluded by the weekend and the curtain removed in time for weekend recreational boating activities and events. However, it is also a possibility that the treatment may take longer than expected at this point and/or curtain removal is to extend into this coming weekend – a scenario we are certainly trying to avoid. Unfortunately, it is too difficult at this point in time to predict when the treatment will be effectively concluded. I will certainly endeavour to keep you all informed of our process here in coming days and will be in direct contact tomorrow with those of you connected to upcoming activities and events in the harbour. We are at day 10 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures averaged 13°C.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
Potash levels at Arnes/Silver Harbour are currently over 100 ppm throughout the harbour area. Today’s average water temperature in the harbour was 15.5°C. We are at day 5 of the treatment process.
June 11, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives report that the new curtain was installed this morning and that potash charging was initiated this afternoon and continued into this evening. A forecasted strong wind event for Lake Winnipeg this evening and into tomorrow may lead to rising water levels in the harbour, potentially affecting potash levels. Current potash levels are not known and will be sampled first thing tomorrow morning in relation to present water levels and conditions at that time. Potash charging will continue tomorrow. However, potash sampling conducted first thing this morning revealed that levels in the south half of the harbour dropped to 20 ppm. At these levels it was determined that more timeframe would be required for full treatment and that we are most likely required to keep the curtain up for the better part of the weekend – Saturday and perhaps Sunday too – in order to complete the treatment. It remains too difficult at this point in time to predict possibly when the treatment might be completed. For those of you here that I spoke to today with regard to your planned activities and events in the harbour for this coming weekend – we continue to thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding. Remaining bioassay mussels assessed today continue to show signs of “distress” but, again, require more time for treatment due to current low potash levels. We are at day 11 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures averaged 14°C.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
Potash levels at Arnes/Silver Harbour have dropped slightly to the range of 80-90 ppm throughout the harbour area. Today’s average water temperature in the harbour was 15°C. We are at day 6 of the treatment process. Bioassay mussels were pulled from the harbour today with all mussels showing signs of “significant distress” before being placed in the freshwater recovery tank. These mussels will be assessed tomorrow afternoon at the first of two 24 hour assessment intervals intended to gauge mortality.
Manitoba EMO Issued Wind Advisory For Lake Winnipeg
This afternoon, Manitoba EMO issued a wind advisory for June 12 on the south basin of Lake Winnipeg calling for strong northerly winds and rising water levels to as much as 3’-5’ and strong wave action. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/alerts/high-alert/canada/manitoba/gimli
June 12, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives report that remaining bioassay mussels show continued signs of “significant distress”, illustrating that we are very close to project completion at Gimli Harbour and that the treatment there is likely achieved in coming days. Exactly when is not known at this point as ASI representatives will continue assessing those bioassays into tomorrow and the early part of the weekend. Current potash levels average 50 ppm throughout the harbour and continue to provide effective treatment given the assessment of remaining bioassay mussels. There are no issues with operation of the gated curtain. We are at day 12 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures averaged 15°C.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
Potash levels still average 80-90 ppm throughout the harbour area providing effective conditions for treatment. Today’s average water temperature in the harbour was 15°C. We are at day 7 of the treatment process. There are no issues with operation of the gated curtain. ASI representatives report that bioassay mussels now show signs of “significant distress” illustrating that we are also closer to project completion at Arnes/Silver Harbour and that the treatment is likely achieved there in coming days. Again, exactly when is not known at this point as ASI representatives will also continue assessing those bioassay mussels into tomorrow and the early part of the weekend.
June 13, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
ASI representatives report that the majority of bioassay mussels show full mortality and that the few remaining bioassay mussels show continued signs of “significant distress”, illustrating that we are now even closer to project completion at Gimli Harbour. Although treatment there is likely achieved in coming days, exactly when is not known at this point as ASI representatives will continue assessing those bioassays into tomorrow. Current potash levels continue to provide effective treatment given the assessment of remaining bioassay mussels. There are no issues with operation of the gated curtain. We are at day 12 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures averaged 15°C.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
Remaining bioassay mussels now show signs of “significant distress”, illustrating that we are again very close to project completion at Arnes/Silver Harbour. Successful treatment there is likely achieved in coming days. Again, exactly when is not known at this point as ASI representatives will continue assessing those bioassays into tomorrow. Current potash levels continue to provide effective treatment given the assessment of remaining bioassay mussels. There are no issues with operation of the gated curtain. We are at day 8 of the treatment process. Today’s water temperatures averaged 15°C.
June 14, 2015
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
Today, the treatment process came to an end at Gimli Harbour with all bioassay mussels pulled from the harbour reaching 100% mortality after 48 hours of assessment in the freshwater recovery tank. Today was day 14* of the treatment process (*Note: my apologies, I did not update yesterday’s treatment process date as “13” – see below). By mid-afternoon today, the curtain was fully removed from the harbour waters. Staff also worked to clean up the work site and harbour area, including barricades, signage, etc. A final check of the site will be conducted by staff tomorrow and into Monday.
Arnes/Silver Harbour
Today, the treatment process also came to an end at Arnes/Silver Harbour with all bioassay mussels pulled from the harbour reaching 100% mortality after 48 hours of assessment in the freshwater recovery tank. Today was day 9 of the treatment process. By late afternoon today, the curtain was fully removed from the harbour waters. Staff also worked to clean up the work site and harbour area, including barricades, signage, etc. The curtain is currently onsite at the harbour and is to be packed and removed tomorrow. A final check of the site will be conducted by staff tomorrow and into Monday.
Canadian Coast Guard VHF “NOT SHIP” Messaging – Gimli and Arnes Harbours Are Now Open
Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Staff in Gimli were informed today of the completed treatments and removal of the curtains at Gimli and Arnes Harbours. CCG representatives are working to revise previous NOT SHIP messaging to now reflect that the harbours are now open. Many thanks again to Canadian Coast Guard representatives for their assistance in this regard.
Winnipeg Beach Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Monday June 2, 2014 (9 days to complete)*
Balsam Bay Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Tuesday June 3, 2014 (8 days to complete)*
Gimli Harbour
**Treatment Process Completed Saturday June 14, 2014 (14 days to complete)*
Arnes/Silver Harbour
*Treatment Process Completed Saturday June 14, 2014 (9 days to complete)*