Civic Address Signs


The Municipality has recently passed a new Civic Addressing By-Law. This By-Law enacts every resident of the RM to have installed the correct civic address sign. These are the reflective green and white signs that read your physical address number. The Municipality understands the importance for every resident to have a valid sign. The green 911 civic address sign provides a location reference for all emergency services such as police, ambulance and fire which results in faster response time. Knowing your correct civic address also prevents crucial time being lost if someone is trying to give directions to a rural residence to a person’s not familiar with the area.  

There are local companies that can assist with the order of the new signs. Please reach out to General Signs located at 507 Mercy Street, Selkirk, MB at (204)785-2662 or Airmaster Signs located at 400 Keewatin Street, Winnipeg, MB at (204)944-7446. 

The Municipality requires all residents to have the correct sign installed no later than March 31st, 2021. For specifications on heights and restrictions with the signs please refer to By-Law 9-2020 “House Numbering By-Law”. 

Please contact the RM office directly if you have any further questions.