Colville East

Colville Map

Introduction to Colville East

Your input on Colville East: Growing with our community’s long-term needs in mind
Manitoba’s Capital Region is growing. Already home to two out of every three Manitobans, the Capital Region is expected to grow by a further 28% – more than 200,000 people – over the next two decades.

Population growth in the RM of St. Clements reflects this trend. Over 750 new homes were built in St. Clements over the past ten years, and existing demand indicates a need for at least 750 new homes in the next ten.

St. Clements recognizes the importance of managing this growth in a way that serves the long-term needs of our municipality. This means a focus on:

  • Preserving the open, semi-rural character of St. Clements by ensuring new developments are compatible with the density and design of existing neighbourhoods;
  • Creating not only new housing, but also new community spaces such as parks, paths and natural areas;
  • Steady growth that contributes to stable tax revenues to allow the RM to continually improve services across the municipality;
  • New neighbourhoods that benefit all of St. Clements by generating new development fees and tax revenues that can be invested in better roads and services throughout the RM.

The RM of St. Clements is working with citizens, the Red River Planning District and experienced developers to bring new housing options to East Selkirk with these important goals in mind.

At present, the municipality is seeking public input to help shape a Colville East Concept Plan, which will guide future development in the area along Colville Road between Highway 59 and Frank Street.

The RM considers public consultation an essential part of the planning process. There will be meaningful opportunities for public input and feedback as this important project moves forward.

In June 2015, public consultations were held, including a public open house open to all citizens to attend. The input received was compiled and presented to Council for consideration. A summary report on what was heard during consultations has been prepared and is now available below under Public Consultations.

About Colville East

Colville East refers to the area along Colville Road between Highway 59 and Frank Street. Future development in this area will help the RM of St. Clements keep pace with continued strong demand for new housing in East Selkirk.

The Colville East neighbourhood is envisioned as a vibrant, connected area with housing options that meet the needs of residents of all ages. The pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood would include new community gathering spaces, walking paths and an inviting streetscape. Two schools, an arena, sports fields and an RCMP detachment are all right next door.

Prior to any construction taking place, the municipality is seeking input from the public to ensure any development in the area is aligned with community expectations and will best support our RM’s long-term needs.

Input and feedback from the community will be incorporated into a Concept Plan, a document that sets out the design and building parameters for new development, which land developers are required to follow.

The Concept Plan will also abide by the guidelines set out in the East Selkirk Secondary Plan. The East Selkirk Secondary Plan is a long-term planning document intended to ensure that all development in the broader East Selkirk area is sustainable and supports a high quality of life for all residents.

The guidelines in the Secondary Plan ensure that new neighbourhoods include important community amenities such as parks and natural areas, and that new housing respects the character of existing residential areas. The Secondary Plan guidelines also help ensure that new developments are planned in a manner that allows for a logical, coordinated and efficient transportation network through the region.

Within the Colville East project area, two subdivisions have been identified for development. The Colville East Concept Plan will ensure that these and future subdivisions in the Colville East area reflect community expectations for appropriate traffic flows, traffic and pedestrian safety, and design features that support neighbourhood vibrancy and quality of life for all residents.

Colville Road Subdivision

A Manitoba developer, Kinetic Ventures, is seeking approval from Council to rezone an 11-acre parcel of land adjacent to Colville Road in order to build a new subdivision. The land is diagonal to the RM offices, located within the Colville East project area.


The RM of St. Clements and the Red River Planning District will work with the developer to ensure the new subdivision conforms with both the Colville East Concept Plan and the East Selkirk Secondary Plan.

Key aspects of the proposed Colville Road subdivision:

  • The preliminary proposal for re-zoning includes approximately 25 lots for single-family homes, plus one double-wide lot that will accommodate two small, low-rise multi-family units, each with 12 suites;
  • Lot sizes will be significantly wider than lots in newer Selkirk subdivisions and close to four times larger than typical lots in older Selkirk neighbourhoods to preserve the open, semi-rural feel that is considered desirable in Capital Region municipalities;
  • Development fees and new municipal taxes generated from the new development will be reinvested in the community in the form of improved services for all St. Clements residents;
  • Fully serviced lots conform with provincial water-protection regulations.

Waytiuk Subdivision

The proponents of the Waytiuk subdivision received approval from the municipality in 2013 to subdivide a parcel of land into residential lots. The developer is seeking to build a new 61-lot subdivision within the eastern-most portion of the Colville East project area.Map of Waytiuk Subdivision

The RM of St. Clements and the Red River Planning District will work with the developer to ensure the new subdivision conforms with both the Colville East Concept Plan and the East Selkirk Secondary Plan.

Key aspects of the Waytiuk subdivision:

  • The project includes 61 lots for single-family homes;
  • Lots will have a minimum frontage of 75 feet to preserve the open, semi-rural feel that is considered desirable in Capital Region municipalities. This is significantly wider than lots in newer Selkirk subdivisions (e.g. Daerwood) and close to four times larger than typical lots in older Selkirk neighbourhoods. Some lots may be even wider.
  • Development fees and new municipal taxes generated from the new development will be reinvested in the community in the form of improved services for all St. Clements residents;
  • Fully serviced lots conform with provincial water-protection regulations;
  • The project area includes a planned commercial site near the corner of Colville Road and Highway 59. The site allows opportunity for local retail services that would be desirable or beneficial in a residential area.

Public Consultations

Council and the RM administration want to thank all citizens who participated in the June 2015 public consultations on development in the Colville East area along Colville Road between Highway 59 and Frank Street.
More than 100 area citizens attended the June 18 open house or provided input via our online survey and website. Consultation Results Results available below:

Public Consultations Summary report

Draft Concept Plan Resolution

The RM has reviewed the comments, questions and input received, and is taking immediate action in several areas as a result of the feedback received.

Summary of actions being taken by the RM of St. Clements as a result of public input to-date:

  • Based on public concern about traffic and pedestrian safety on Colville Road, Council has decided to postpone consideration of all new or proposed applications for development until a traffic study can be completed.
  • This includes postponing any potential re-zoning of the proposed Colville Road subdivision diagonal to the RM offices.
  • The traffic study will present options for addressing traffic safety issues. As Colville Road is a provincial road, Council has approached provincial officials to participate in the traffic study.
  • The study will also look at walking and cycling options, as these were noted as important to residents during the public consultataion process.
  • A draft Concept Plan Resolution has now been developed based on the input received from public consultations and professional planners. The purpose of the Concept Plan Resolution is to guide future development in the Colville East area and provide transparency for the public and future devlopers.

Next steps for public input

The RM is committed to considering on-going public input as part of future planning and decision-making related to the Colville East area. Council is currently seeking public input on the draft Concept Plan Resolution. Please submit your input by Monday, September 21, 2015 to our Chief Administrative Officer DJ Sigmundson at Your input is important and will help ensure development in the area is aligned with community expectations and will best support our RM’s long-term needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dimensions of the new residential lots planned for the Colville East area? Will they be an appropriate fit with the existing community?

New subdivisions will have a range of single-family lot sizes, with the smallest lot being no less than 10,000 square feet in size. The frontage (width) will be a width that supports the finacial feasibility of including municipal services (water and wastewater). This minimum lot size is 1500 sq ft larger than the lots in the Oakbank Subdivision. The lot dimensions are designed to be consistent with the semi-rural, “village character” of East Selkirk.

Will the Colville East area have parks and green spaces?

Yes. St. Clements is committed to growing in a way that supports an excellent quality of life for residents of all ages. An important consideration is developing a Colville East Concept Plan that provides for community spaces, paths and streetscaping that contribute to a safe, vibrant, pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood. Community input will help determine how new development would be designed to connect with existing trails and green space.

How will increased traffic be addressed?

Community input and technical study will help determine what safety and traffic concerns may need to be addressed. Engineers will be consulted during the planning and development phase to evaluate projected traffic volumes. Should new traffic-control measures be required, the municipality and developers will follow the guidance of the traffic engineers to implement new measures as needed to ensure the safety of all residents using local roadways.

How will the new subdivisions be funded?

The RM of St. Clements is focused on ensuring that all new growth pays for itself and also delivers a broader benefit to the wider community. Development fees and new municipal taxes collected from the new lots will be reinvested in improved services and infrastructure that benefit residents in all parts of the municipality.

How big are the two multi-family units proposed for the Colville Road development?

The proposed multi-family units will be designed to respect the scale and character of nearby neighbourhoods. The preliminary proposal includes two small, low-rise buildings, each with 12 suites. The new structures will have a smaller footprint and – at only two to three stories – will be of significantly lower height than multi-family units typically found in urban subdivisions.

How will multi-family units benefit the area?

Multi-family units help ensure that our municipality can meet the needs of residents of all ages; for example, older adults who are downsizing but wish to remain in the community, smaller families, or couples who do not have children.

What if I have additional questions?

If you have any questions, please contact our office at or 204-482-3300.