The RM of St. Clements offers curbside waste and recycling pickup in the southern/central part of the RM. Curbside pickup is optional if you live in the service area. However, once you opt into the program, you cannot opt out. Click here to sign up online!
Download Curbside Pickup By-Law No.14-2018
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Curbside Pickup at a Glance
Start date | Monday, July 2, 2018 |
The plan | Weekly automated trash pickup and bi-weekly automated recycling pickup |
Plan details | The RM will provide one 240 litre (64 gallon) grey waste cart and one 360 l (95 gal.) blue recycling cart to each occupied home. The cost of the carts is included in the yearly charge (value $105 per cart). |
Service area | Southern portion of RM including Lockport, Narol, Gonor, East Selkirk, Ashfield, West Pine Ridge, West Garson and NE 59/44 |
Cost | Annual 2025 Charge $125.84. Will be billed annually in September |
Who is eligible for curbside pickup?
Curbside Pickup Schedule
- Recyclables must fit in your recycling cart
- Recyclables can be thrown into the carts as is – no bags or sorting required.
- The only exception is that shredded paper should be placed in a clear full-sized (77 litre) plastic bag
- Containers should empty
- Containers should be rinsed/cleaned
What recycling is accepted for pickup?
- Plastic containers and packaging including bottles, jugs, tubs and pails
- Look for the arrow triangle
- Leave caps and lids on
- Steel and aluminum food and beverage cans
- Glass bottles and jars
- Tetra Pak and gable top cartons
- Juice boxes and cartons
- Soup boxes
- Milk cartons
- Paper
- Newspapers, flyers, mail, magazines, paper
- Note: Shredded paper should be placed in a clear, full-sizes (77 litre) plastic bag
- Cardboard boxes and cartons
- Cardboard egg cartons and paper tubes
- Newspapers, flyers, mail, magazines, paper
What recycling is NOT accepted for pickup?
- Plastic
- Plastics bags and cellophane
- Plastic without and arrow triangle like toothpaste tubes
- Plastics that are not containers like toys, laundry baskets and plastic cutlery
- Foam packaging, foam food and beverage containers and foam egg trays
- Metal
- Aluminum foil products
- Steel pots and pans
- Scrap metal
- Disposable coffee cups and lids
- Glass
- Drinking glasses, ceramics, cookware and lightbulbs
- Mirrors, window glass, broken glass
- Syringes or needles
- Hazardous waste
- Cell phones
- Pharmaceuticals
- Batteries, including car catteries
- Paint
- Used motor oil
- Electronics
- Liquid agricultural containers
- Tires
- Propane tanks
Where can I recycle items NOT accepted for pickup?
The RM of St. Clements landfill and transfer stations accept free of charge:
- Electronic waste
- Motor oil
- Tires
- Auto batteries
- Propane tanks
The RM of St. Clements landfill accepts for a fee:
- Fridges, freezers, A/C, water coolers
Green Manitoba has a webpage that will tell you where you can recycle most hazardous waste:
The Manitoba government has a new website that tells you where you can recycle everything:
- Waste must fit in your waste cart. Extra bags left beside your cart will not be picked up. For awhile, Emterra was picking up extra bags as a courtesy but more and more people are doing it and it is adding too much time to the pickup so from now on no extra bags will be picked up. If you have extra bags, either save them for the following week, take them to the landfill or transfer station, or buy another garbage cart from the RM.
What waste is not accepted for pickup?
- Hazardous waste
- Cell phones
- Pharmaceuticals
- Batteries, including car catteries
- Paint
- Used motor oil
- Electronics
- Liquid agricultural containers
- Tires
- Propane tanks
- Mattress/box spring, sofa chair, sofa, loveseat
- Fridges, freezers, A/C, water coolers
Where can I dispose of waste that is not accepted for pickup?
- Most waste items are accepted at Libau Landfill and some are accepted at transfer stations
- Below is a list of what items are accepted where and the fees
- Libau Landfill and all the transfer station accept cash or cheque only
- Interac or credit card payments are not accepted
Type of Material | Libau Landfill Resident Fees | Libau Landfill Non-Resident & Commercial Fees | Transfer Station Resident Fees | Transfer Station Non-Resident Fees |
Bagged refuse - garbage bags of daily generated waste* | Free for up to 10 bags/visit, then $2.00/bag | $4.00/bag | $2.00/bag | $4.00/bag |
Construction/demolition/renovation† & loose refuse | $60.00/tonne, $15.00 minimum | $75.00/tonne, $25.00 minimum | Not accepted | Not accepted |
Electronic recycling | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Household recycling | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Household hazardous waste, paint and lights** | Free | Free | Not accepted | Not accepted |
Used motor oil | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Liquid agricultural containers (triple-rinsed) | Free | Free | Not accepted | Not accepted |
Tires - no rim | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Passenger tires with rims | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Tractor or oversize tires with rims | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Clean burnables (grass, leaves, branches, bales)*** | Free up to one tonne, $10.00/tonne for larger loads | $1.00/bag up to $10.00 or $10.00/tonne for larger loads | Free | $1.00/bag, $10.00 max/visit |
Batteries - household and automotive | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Furniture | Paid on a weight basis, with $15 minimum | Paid on a weight basis, with $25 minimum | Not accepted | Not accepted |
Fridges, freezers, A/C, water coolers (non decommissioned)‡ | $35/unit | $50.00/unit | Not accepted | Not accepted |
Propane tanks | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Asbestos**** | $173.00/tonne, minimum 5 tonnes | $173.00/tonne, minimum 5 tonnes | Not accepted | Not accepted |
Garbage bag size: 26” x 36”
Boxes: are considered loose and will be charged for
*Daily generated waste: (otherwise known as household) food scraps, tissues, kitchen waste, bathroom waste
†Construction/demolition/renovation material: any material that comes from or goes into erecting, demolishing
or repairing a structure, including but not limited to lumber, drywall, windows, doors, flooring, carpets, sinks,
toilets, tubs, insulation, etc.
**HHW: All HHW and paint products must be clearly labelled in their original container to protect the health and safety of those handling the materials
***Clean burnables: otherwise known as “combustible waste” which also includes tree boughs and stumps up to 12 inch diameter (larger diameter, and/or containing excessive mud would be treated as refuse, disposed of accordingly, and charge accordingly) and branches, clean wood and lumber and packaging materials derived from paper, cardboard and wood, unless otherwise acceptable in household recycling.
‡Decommissioned means that a licensed technician has removed the coolant and stamped the unit
****Asbestos: must be properly bagged and arrangements pre-made
Cart Placement at Road
Place your cart – with the back wheels towards the fence or property, close lid
- Point your cart – the cart lid opens towards the centre of the road or lane. This is because operators hook the front of the cart onto the truck to help them lift and tip it
- Space your cart – leave an arm’s length clearance (one meter or 39 inches) on all sides of each cart (or separate sides of your driveway). This is to allow the collection truck enough room to grab your cart.
- Look up – avoid placing your cart under hydro or telephone wires, basketball hoops, awnings and tree limbs.
- On collection day, the carts should be placed on a flat surface 3 feet from the roadway. In winter, they
should be placed on the end of your driveway beyond the reach of the snow plow.
- Carts should be removed from the road within 24 hours of collection and stored on the homeowner’s property. Carts must be stored in a way that they do not interfere with ordinary travel of vehicles or pedestrians.
- In winter: clear snow from the area around and under where you place the cart and clear snow and ice off lids so they will open easily when emptied.
My neighbour's cart is often on the road all week and it is a hazard
Please let us know by calling our office at 204-482-3300 or emailing us at with the address and we will contact them.
Carts and moving
- If you are moving to a newly constructed home in the RM of St. Clements in the curbside pickup service area and would like curbside pickup
- Sign up online here or in-person at the municipal office at 1043 Kittson Road in East Selkirk
- After you sign up, Public Works will be in touch to arrange delivery of the carts
- What do I do with the garbage and recycling carts if I move?
- Store the carts in a safe place for the next resident to use
- How do I get a set of carts if I move to an existing home?
- A set of carts would have been assigned to that address, so we recommend that you account for the condition of the carts at the time of the sale. If the carts are missing or need to be repaired, you will be responsible for the replacement of the carts.
What happens if my cart is lost or damaged?
If carts have a manufacturer’s defect, they are covered under warranty. If the carts have been placed correctly at the road and the contractor or the RM damage the carts, either the contractor or the RM will be responsible for the replacement. Otherwise, the resident is responsible for lost or stolen carts.
Tips for keeping your carts clean
You can help keep your carts clean by:
- Rinsing food and beverage containers
- Rinsing your cart occasionally with water from your garden hose to wash off debris (leave the lid open after rinsing to allow the cart to dry)
- Cleaning with an environmentally friendly cleaning solution (e.g., spray with a solution of one part white vinegar, three parts warm water) to deodorize and disinfect the cart (leave the lid open after rinsing to allow the cart to dry)
- Hiring a professional cart cleaning company
How to protect your carts from theft
- Put your carts out by 7:00 am on your collection day, but no sooner than the night before
- Move your carts back onto your property soon as possible after they are emptied
- Between collections, store your carts in a safe place on your property
Cost of cart replacement parts
240 litre (64 gallon) waste cart | $91.55 plus tax (includes delivery) |
360 litre (95 gallon) recycling cart | $98.55 plus tax (includes delivery) |
Replacement lid and rod | $11.00 plus tax |
240 litre (64 gallon) cart wheel | $6.60 plus tax |
360 litre (95 gallon) cart wheel | $6.60 plus tax |
Axle for 240 litre (64 gallon) or 360 litre (95 gallon) | $15.00 plus tax |
Lift bars for 240 litre (64 gallon) or 360 litre (95 gallon) | $10.00 plus tax |
Delivery of parts | $30 |
360 litre (95 gallon) recycling cart | One time rental fee of $98.55 plus tax (includes delivery) |
Additional 240 litre (64 gallon) waste cart | The same as another full service charge |
What is my cost for this service?
Annual 2025 Charge $125.84
How will I be charged for curbside pickup?
The yearly fee will be billed to you in September and due 30 days after.
If you sign up during the year:
- You must pay an upfront Administrative Fee of $25 at time of signup.
- You must pay this cost upfront
- You can pay online here or in-person at the municipal office at 1043 Kittson Road in East Selkirk
- You must sign up by the 21 day of the month to receive service the following month
- The following calendar year will be billed to you in September
Why are you not offering curbside pickup in Grand Marais and Gull Lake?
In the fall 2016 survey where we asked residents about proposed garbage and recycling pickup, the beaches area (including Grand Marais and Gull Lake) had the lowest interest in having curbside pickup with at least 45% of respondents saying they were “very uninterested” and “somewhat uninterested”. You can view these survey results here. If, at some point, enough residents in these areas express an interest in curbside pickup, Council would likely consider implementing it.
Will you pickup yard waste?
Only if it fits in your garbage cart.
I saw workers dumping my garbage and my recycling into the same truck. Are they throwing my recycling into the landfill??
No. Our pickup contractor, Emterra, sometimes uses a split body truck for pickup, which is a truck split down the middle that can accept recycling on one side and garbage on the other. The garbage is taken to Libau landfill and the recycling is taken to the recycling depot in Winnipeg.
How should you place your recycling cart for collection?
- Place your cart – with the back wheels towards the fence or property, close lid
- Point your cart – the cart lid opens towards the centre of the road or lane
- Space your cart – leave on arm’s length clearance (one meter or 39 inches) on all sides of each cart or better yet you can place your carts at the end of your driveway with one on each side, this allows the collection truck enough room to grab your cart.
- Look up – avoid placing your cart under hydro or telephone wires, basketball hoops, awnings and tree limbs.
- In Winter – clear snow away from the area around and under where you place your cart. Do not place carts behind or on top of snowbanks; clear snow and ice off lids so they will open easily when emptied.
At what time do your carts need to be out by?
Your garbage and/or recycling carts should be out by 7:00 am on your designated pickup day.
When does Emterra pick up the garbage and recycling?
Emterra has between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on the designated pickup day to collect your garbage and/or recycling. It is important to keep in mind that your waste and recycling may not always be picked up at the same time each week as there are a variety of situations that may occur and result in your waste and recycling being picked up at different times, this is why it is best to make sure your carts are out by 7:00 am.
What if my garbage and/or recycling is not picked up by 7:00 pm on my designated pickup day?
If your waste and recycling is not picked up by 7:00 pm on your designated pickup day, please call or email our office (whether it is after hours and we would then receive it the next day or early the next day) and we can then check into the details as to what happened. It is also important to make sure that only the accepted recycling and garbage items are going into your bins.
Early Statistics on Curbside Pickup
- We started curbside with 1,547 customers – we have had 53 additional customers sign up to date, and are now at a total of 1,600 properties receiving the services
- In the period of July to September 2017 – we collected 95.40 tonnes of recyclable materials (210,321 LBS approx. for visualization that’s 19 elephants*)
- In the period of July to September 2018 – we have collected 140.21 tonnes of materials, (309,110. LBS approx. for visualization that’s 28 elephants)
- From 2018 to 2017 – we have a 47% increase (all sources including T/Stations & curbside) of 44.81 tonnes (or 98,789 LBS approx. for visualization almost 9 elephants)
- Based on data received from Emterra – the curbside program has collected 78.58 tonnes of recyclables, and 251.31 tonnes of waste. (July to September)
- Based on Emterra data – we can calculate that the average household throws away 69 kgs of material each month (or 152 lbs for visualization – that’s one average sized person)
- Based on Emterra data – the average household is recycling 23.8% of its’ waste material, and 76.2% is being sent to the Landfill.
*Asian elephants @ 11,000 lbs
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